If you have not registered for your RightNow Media account yet, we encourage you to do this today!

This free gift from the Ohio Ministry Network gives you and your family members access to videos and helpful resources. This also makes is possible to register your church with RightNow Media at a reduced rate, allowing you to share this great resource with church leaders, members, attenders, and guests!  Small group material, leadership development, discipleship tools and more are some of the many ways RightNow Media resources can be a help to you and your church.

Links to register for your free account and information on church accounts is below.

If you and your pastoral staff have not registered for your RightNow Media account, you can click the button below to create your FREE account now. You'll get instant access to over 20,000 Christian Video Resources!

If you are already registered, click this link and explore the pastoral resources library.

You will also find Ohio Ministry Network’s Custom Library filled with our own videos and, suggested content.

Click this link to access a library of illustrations.

Click this link to access a library of Conferences for Pastors & Leaders on your computer.  Or by downloading the RightNow Media App to your phone or streaming device.


We encourage you to take full advantage of this free resource, and the discount you receive for being a member of the Ohio Ministry Network.  

If you would like to give this as a free gift to your church family, click this link.